Logistics and Project management
TMR has worked alongside a wide variety of companies and industries to provide a one stop solution for the planning and logistics requirements of an overall project for its full duration. These transportation services relate to the following industries or projects.• Demolition Projects - these have a lot of debris and scrap to be removed, we have and continue to provide a transport solution for the duration of various demolition projects.
• Construction Projects - these have a lot of project management and logistics involved that need a planned schedule for the moving and transportation of construction materials in the right order, keeping the project moving while not filling the site with too much material.
• Mining Operation - we want to be your primary transportation supplier for your mining project and any other related project.
• Load Planning - When a schedule of loads need to be planned and executed over a time frame, we can work to ensuring these are delivered on schedule as needed.
Logistical Planning and Scheduling
TMR can provide services that ensure solid plan are in place to provide transport services for the duration of any project or operation. We quote these projects with the long term in mind in order to meet our timelines and budgets.If we cannot meet your needs with our own equipment, we have a network of support companies that we work with to ensure the transport services continue on the scale you require.
So if you have a need for your Logistics and Planning please feel free to give us a call at 1-866-606-4449 or request a quote by clicking here, Request a Quote